Meet the judges— Zoë Morris 

In our Meet the judges series, we’ll be chatting to some of the cloud tech experts on our judging panel to find out more about their experience, their passion for cloud tech, and what they’re making a beeline for at the awards ceremony buffet… 

Zoë Morris is President of niche technology recruitment firm Frank Recruitment Group.  

Her role sees her taking the reins on business and sales operations, employee training, and hiring initiatives. 

Zoë has played a vital role in building the company into the global, award-winning that it is today–under Zoë’s leadership, Frank Recruitment Group has consistently achieved substantial year-on-year growth. 

Before joining the business as Chief Operations Officer in 2016, Zoë spent 18 years at Hays plc, where she rose to the position of Director at their flagship office in London. 

Let’s find out more about Zoë. 

Which category are you most looking forward to judging and why?

At this year’s Digital Revolution Awards, Frank Recruitment Group is sponsoring the Outstanding Leader of the Year award, so I’d say I’m most looking forward to being part of that. It’s always inspiring for me to hear what other leaders are doing and how these decisions have a positive impact on their own career development and that of their teams. There’s a lot to be learned from other leaders, so I think it’ll be a really interesting award to be associated with. 

"We’re evangelists for cloud technology and being able to use that passion to help others that are on the same journey is incredibly fulfilling."
Zoë Morris
President, Frank Recruitment Group

How has cloud technology made an impact on your life, or within your business?

Cloud technology is at the heart of everything we do here. Each of our seven specialist brands focuses on finding niche talent in cloud ecosystems such as Azure, AWS or Salesforce.

As the demand for specialists within those platforms has surged over the last 18 months, we’ve been able to use our experience to help businesses find those difficult to find professionals that can bring genuine value to their projects. 

Are there any events or performances from the cloud tech space that have wowed you in the past year?

I recently attended Salesforce Live in London, which stands out as one of the most thought-provoking events I’ve seen in the past year or so. The topic of sustainability was a particular focus at the event and with it being a very hot topic at the moment, there were plenty of interesting debates and new insights shared.

Naturally, the challenges to businesses around sustainability were discussed as part of the event, so there was plenty for the audience to consider and digest by the end of it. I certainly came away having gained a new perspective on many aspects.  

What makes a great nomination?

We expect a high volume of submissions for this year’s Digital Revolution Awards, so when judging my categories, I’ll be looking for nominations with real stand-out, feel-good stories. It’s great to see people demonstrating innovation in the work they do, but it’s also great to see a human element attached to this. For example, perhaps your organization has worked hard to upskill your cloud teams, which not only demonstrates passion for the technology, but also for staff career development.  

Any great nomination should detail why you’re nominating yourself or another person and what the effect of the work has been, not just on the ecosystem, but also on people.  

You're at an awards ceremony; what food are you making a beeline to the buffet table for?

"Definitely sushi!"
Zoë Morris
President, Frank Recruitment Group

How important are awards in promoting diversity and inclusion, especially in sectors like tech?

In my opinion, diversity and inclusion should be so commonplace now that they should be at the forefront of everything without a second thought. With the tech sector having been predominantly male-orientated for such a long time, it’s vital that we are recognizing companies that are going the extra mile to accommodate and welcome people of all genders, orientations, and backgrounds, with the aim of encouraging others to follow suit.  

Through reading the nominations for the Diversity and Inclusion Employer of the Year award, it’s inspiring to hear how more organizations are removing the barriers to opportunities for all current and future staff, and what results they have achieved. We are and always have been equal, and it’s about time we start to really promote that, whether it’s at work, or just in our day-to-day lives.  

If you were to win an award yourself, perhaps for a secret talent, what would it most likely be?

I think it’d have to be some sort of cooking award. Back in 2009 I took a sabbatical from work and went on a nine-month full-time cooking and wine course at Leith’s Cookery School in London. I learned an enormous amount about food and wine so I would be hopeful of winning an award in this area if the opportunity arose! 

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