Meet the Winners – Anurag Kale

In our Meet the Winners series, we’re speaking with some of those who walked away from the 2022 Digital Revolution Awards with one of our sought-after trophies.

Winner of our Tech Star of the Year award, AWS Hero Anurag Kale has been a passionate cloud advocate from the moment his career brought him into the AWS ecosystem. He regularly speaks at community events and meetups around the world, and continues to be a cloud evangelist through initiatives such as The Apprentice Project. We caught up with him to congratulate him on his win.

How did you enjoy your Digital Revolution Awards experience?

Due to travel restrictions and visa requirements I could not participate in the award ceremony in person. It was both wonderful and anxious to follow it online. That being said, the entire process was streamlined and executed really well.

Were there any other winners or nominees who really stood out to you?

Absolutely, all the nominees are well known in the community. Bhuvaneshwari is someone that most of the AWS User Group leaders in India like me have looked up to. It was a privilege to be put in the same company as her. I was convinced she would win the award. 

What advice would you give to anyone hoping to be recognized at next year’s awards?

Give priority to solving the pain problems of each project, tailored to their context and impact. Share your learnings via blogs, presentations or tweets. 

What impact does celebrating each other’s success have on the tech community?

It helps to boost the morale of people and they feel valued with public recognition. It is imperative to give feedback to people, letting them know they are valued and the work they have put in isn’t lost into the ether.  

Is there anyone you forgot to thank in your acceptance speech that you’d like to acknowledge here?

I did not give an acceptance speech, but I will take the opportunity to thank the owners of IQ Innovation Hub, Pune, for helping me start my journey in cloud. They gave me room to experiment, fail and learn from my mistakes. I would also like to thank the AWS Community in India, specifically AWS User Group Pune, that gave me a platform to express myself. Special thanks to Jayesh Ahire, Toshal Khawale. Rashmi Nambir, Suman Debhnath, Airf Amirani, Rohini Gaonkar, and many more from the AWS Community space. Lastly, a special thanks to my current employer Knowit and my manager Marcus Karlsson, for letting me continue organizing meetups in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Finally, where will you display your trophy?

The trophy will go on my bookcase, alongside the books that I consider timeless and tend to read again and again. 

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